Consultation Services

A Spiritual Life Consultant is someone whose foundation is in the Word of God for guidance, direction, sharing the proven principles of the Word for everyday living. One who can provide a “Blueprint” that will give direction through restoration, refreshing, transformation and transitions.
Fulfilling God-given dreams, takes a close relationship with God himself, to bring ones purpose into fruition means a deeper and ongoing relationship with the creator that placed purpose in you. Then there is the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit that comes as part of that relationship. Becoming filled and led by the Holy Spirit is the key to a life filled with joy, abundance and faith.
What are your dreams, your visions, have your personal life experiences held you back? Have they hindered your growth? Are you entering a new season, time in your life, where you want and need to invest in yourself? Are you entering a new marriage? What about motherhood, employment, or your own Business…your first experience with teenagers? Now is the time in your life you have made a decision that you want to shine above all others. Did you know there is not a question or life circumstance that has not been addressed in the Bible, which I affectionately call the “Book of Life? “We do not have to go through life, alone or with anxieties, worry or fear. One just needs knowledge and guidance…God’s way.
Dr. Beverly L. Swanson, Spiritual Life Consultant
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