Dr. Beverly L. Swanson - Ministry

Dr. Swanson is an Apostolic Prophet of the Lord an Oracle of God Commissioned to Share the Heart and Truth of the Most High God that awaken Kingdom minded people the Lord's Remnant with Throne Room Wisdom, Principles and Insight as directed by the Lord. Isaiah 60:1-3

Prophetess Beverly is a Woman of Faith, Woman of Integrity, and a Woman of Virtue who calls God’s chosen people to a zealous pursuit of the Father's Heart to a deeper intimacy to hear His voice and surrender their vessels to be one with Him in Christ Jesus, that His Glory can be released in and through us as a living reservoir of continuous signs, wonders and miracles. Dr. Beverly Swanson D.D, an Inspirational / Informational Speaker, Author, Radio Show Host, Psalmist, Spiritual Advisor and Entrepreneur she ministers prophetically through the Pulpit, Seminars, Workshops, Summits, Internet and Radio reaching people nationwide and internationally. She is the mother of four wonderful children, seven precious grandchildren and marriage after 28 years of being single to Minister and Entrepreneur Ken Powell.

Contact Dr. Beverly at: 916-320-5482 for Speaking or Ministry Engagements or via our Contact Page


Dr. Beverly L. Swanson - Ministry
Truth Be Told - Seminar & Workbook
Eagle Wings with Dr. Beverly L. Swanson - Ushering in his presence - NEW CD!
Eagle Wings with Dr. Beverly L. Swanson - Free Audio Samples of Beverly's Audio CD Releases


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