Personal Life Development
Now Is Your Time, You have made a decision that you want to Shine!

What are YOUR Dreams, What is YOUR Vision? Have your personal life experiences held you back? Have they hindered your growth? Are you entering a new season, reached a time in your life, where you want and need to invest in yourself? Are you entering a New Marriage, Blended Families? What about Motherhood, Employment, or your own Business…your first experience with Teenagers? Now is the time in your life YOU have made a decision that you want to Shine! You do not have to go through life’s challenges, alone or with anxieties, worry or fear. Change is not only good…it’s Eminent! A Personal “Blueprint” provides direction through Restoration, Refreshing, and Transitions. As your VISIONARY CONSULTANT & CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL LIFE COACH, I work One on One with individuals, Leadership Teams,, Families, Organizations, Ministries & Business. Time To Engage in a New Adventure…Called Life! GET STARTED TODAY!
Dr. Beverly L. Swanson, Visionary Consultant & Certified Personal Life Development Coach
- Appointments Available
- Individual Sessions – in person, via Phone or Skype
- Sessions at Work Sites – for Non-Profit Organizations, Ministries, and Businesses. Travel Available